This is a collection of flat top hex tiles that can be used for creating old school style hex maps
The hexes are designed to have high impact, visibility, and applicablity to general TTRPG play
Dark and light background versions of each hex have been included, and they come in black and white, in addition to 10 other earth tone colors
How To Use
The thumbnails are 100x87px, and the full size images are 1000px870. The large preview pictures are 200x174px. You can access the full resolution (1000x870px) by clicking on each thumbnail, which will open the full image in another page
These dimenions coincide with a flat top style regular hexagon
Use of Generative AI
Some art for these tokens was derived from generative AI tools, including Photoshop generative expand and ChatGPT / DALL-E
It is important to acknowledge up front when AI tools of any kind are used, as is the case with these tokens
(Updated, December 23, 2024) My attitude on generative AI has shifted dramatically in the last year to the negative, and I'm no longer using it for my projects. I will leave these assets up, though, as many GMs have found them useful over the last year.